Most will get upset or activated when reading this, pay attention to what comes up for you:
As we start on the path of "unbecoming", we are familiar with LOA or Manifesting. So we tend to do a lot of focus on this, from a place of unconsciously knowing the layers of why we choose anything in life. We are still very much walled up and "THINKING " if we just focus on what we WANT, you will recieve it. True to an extent.
The energy behind every thought and word is actually the creating point.
So if you are thinking you are manifesting a person, or a situation to change- the energetic creating point is actually saying " Im not happy with where Im at and want something other than this"
If you do bring in this external manifestation, it will more than likely be a karmic lesson. Because typically, what we try to manifest comes from lessons that we have yet to learn.
ZERO POINT energy, where you have cleared and healed the mind's perception that you are no longer attatched to seeing things a certain way.
You Love Fully and remain neutral
You flow when there is aligned action.
Your power is just in BEing.
You realize you are constantly creating with your thoughts and energy- allll the time.
You feel no need to seperate anything to bring something in, because you LoVE allll the things in your life, you trust that its all Divinely Orchestrated and perfect.
You ARE manifestation.
Neither is good or bad- its all just different layers. Bringing awareness to thoughts that may have kept us in same thought patterns.