Open center experience.
Are you wiser. ?
I have about half that much of maybe less even. I only have 4 open centers.
I quit once really. I quit alcohol at 23 or so. I didn’t like forgetting things. So no go there. Can’t do that.
Ecstasy was fun for a summer of festivals and such, and at the end of the summer I felt so sad. I knew it was from all the E. Can’t do that.
Always being a Bricklayer 28 I started needing a little help, pain pills were always something I tried but never felt them and didn’t understand. I had a naturally high tolerance.
A methadone biscuit 40mg finally got me there. Wow. I was high for 2 days and working like a machine. That lasts a few years and well, fuck it morphs to shooting morphine. Much faster and equally long lasting…can’t do that you get really sick,
Welcome meth, and dammit if I don’t lose a lot of weight and get my confidence back in some real ways! I got off my ass and well this is fun!!! Life is present again and that’s amazing!’ Meet girls and people I find interesting! Fun! I get arrested a few times tho. Felonies now!!! Fuck! Can’t do that.
Next time I get I. Trouble it’ll be prison…..can’t do that.
Ok. Have to exercise to be confident and move now, Meth benefit sober.
Have to know how to dance sober and be confident in groups sober, alcohol benefit sober.
Ok have eat right and sleep right to heal and recover properly.
Pill benefit sober.
Ok have to consciously breath and be curious about life without smoking. Cigarettes and pot benefit sober. Learning from the open centers and applied to my life. I’m fasting and alone and changing/quitting.
🤍From an Anonymous Heart 🤍