Behind the mind of being a solopreneur.
As some of you know, I became very sick two winters ago in 2021/2022. I worked at a residential treatment and trauma "ranch" home. I LOVED it; I couldn't see myself doing anything different. In my eyes, I was in it for the long haul.
There were things that I was ignoring within this facility that weren't "aligned for me"; however, I kept working because I loved the ladies and working with them. I kept hushing the whispers my body would share and "pushed through.
I had made a website for Heart Activation in 2019 and was slowly opening up for business; however, I wasn't aware of what that really looked for the future.
I had begun mentoring one on one and had a plethora of people I was working with - it gave me confidence in my ability to be in business for myself. After a series of extreme events that were literally "pushing" me to be in business for myself-there are no coincidences, so I left that job and trusted the polite "shove" I was getting from Spirit.
I had no idea how I was going to "do this"; what I did know was that, I trust in what I was given and the way would be shown every step.
Through being a solopreneur, I have healed an immense amount of self-worth and generational "lack" consciousness.
The people who have built their business on "ego" without the inner workings first, begin to fall big time - the pushy, icky marketing, cringe tactics that use psychology to put fear into their "buyers."
I admit I compare myself to those that have a huge income - and then I remind myself that wealth begins within - I fiercely see this. Nor do I want to hustle and post all the time and put Heart Activation before my own needs. It is an extension of me that flows from the deep wellspring of resources and Love that I have built from literally nothing. I have been living off of loans, and any money that I get, I put back into tools to make business easier for me.
I literally create everything myself. The posts, the digital designs, the marketing aspects, the website, the groups, etc. I LOVE how I work; it is all part of creation and making Love with the process. I have stumbled my way through, on repeat, LOL and learn so much along the way. That is just the mechanics of it. - The thoughts on what I am doing, and the doubts I feel about who "sees me", get less and less - however, this can get the best of me sometimes.
I put my heart and soul into what I do because I know that what I have to offer is very different from others. I see that what I have created is unique and that my perspective is greatly needed at this time; however, since i hold unpopular perspectives in healing from mainstream, the doubt can be a lot, because mainstream will always be able to reach the masses.
Which is why I sometimes feel like I'm creating in a space that feels like "what's the point."
To answer some of my questions that I ask you all, I do wind up comparing myself to the people that have super "professional" output (even though it is kinda cringe to me).
I feel like what I am called to do is so against the grain that people reject it. To be honest, it is not even that against the grain; it is simply being and recognizing the inherent Love within us all. That the empowerment is in you. The deep generational imprints go so deep that we have to fix, mend, push, recover look outwardly for a solution, that people have lost the directional tool of their intuition. This isn't easy to reroute; it is possible though. I am living that!
To stand strong in my knowing of my soul work is, for the most part, freeing, empowering, and oh so amazing, AND there are still times that I feel like the mountain goat at the top of the mountain, like "hey yo- I know the terrain! And part of this process is in the knowing and trusting in timing. Knowing without pushing the knowing onto others.
Knowing that it is all perfection.
If you feel called to support in anyway,
Liking, commenting and sharing "me" and my page or website- greatly expands awareness around my "mission"
I am humbled by this continuation of Life and the process of Consious business
I Am forever grateful for the experiences that brought me to where I am today.