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Elaine Elizabeth
4 min read
From Survival to Authenticity
Healing Generations of trauma My Grandma and I shadowed by the cycle of "escapism" A book that changed my course in healing was "It...

Elaine Elizabeth
4 min read
Forget the Fairytale: From Fantasy to Fulfillment
I never "wanted" to be a single mom and because of this fear i had stayed in a relationship that was long overdue- Because of the deep...

Elaine Elizabeth
10 min read
In a World of False Prophets, Which Voice Do you Listen To?
It seems as though every corner we turn, there are multiple people who have the key to our "problems." Our saving grace and healing has...

Elaine Elizabeth
3 min read
You Are Not Falling Behind. Why Rebirths can feel like you are going backwards
Let's dive into some reflections on experiences many of us might be facing right now. If you’re feeling like your external world has been...

Elaine Elizabeth
3 min read
Healing the pain of past generations: It Didn't Start With You
My Journey Into the Depths of Generational Trauma As I reflect on my life, I can't help but wonder - why do I carry so much pain and...

Elaine Elizabeth
6 min read
Dissolving Stigmas: "I Don't Know" being the most powerful statement.
" Stigma is a mark of disgrace associated with a particular person, quality, or circumstance . It can also be defined as a set of...

Elaine Elizabeth
5 min read
The Journey From Survival Society to Self Love: A Personal Account
Each person's experience manifesting uniquely. Understanding the upbringing of our parents and the historical backdrop provides a foundation

Elaine Elizabeth
3 min read
Naked Perspective. Distorted Body Image
I don't know how to love my body if it is not perfect. I thought that I have loved my body, I honored it in the way that I knew how at...

Elaine Elizabeth
3 min read
You Are Not a Label: Beyond our Behaviors
We tend to jump to conclusions, claiming we can't trust anyone and that everyone will ultimately let them down. I invite you to explore this

Elaine Elizabeth
3 min read
Desperately Wanting Change: Uncharted Territories
I speak of the past often—not because I am tethered to it, not because I live there, and certainly not because it defines me. I return to...
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